Ronan King

Ronan King is a Chartered Accountant, Management Consultant and Past-President of both Dublin and Bray Chambers of Commerce.

He is currently Programme Director of a cutting-edge “Advanced Transitions Programme” at Dublin City University, helping mature individuals to transition into ‘encore’ careers.

Ronan spent over 30 years in professional accounting and consulting practice, primarily with KPMG and BDO, and his own firm. He currently serves on the Board of the Dublin Business Innovation Centre and on the Advisory Board of Cross Country Consulting, a highly innovative financial services firm with offices in Washington, New York, San Francisco and Dublin.

A firm believer in public service, Ronan has a proven track record in leading ‘with-purpose’ entities, including

• the 2003 Special Olympics World Summer Games, (founder by Eunice Kennedy Shriver and hosted in Dublin for the first time outside the US);

• Ballymun Regeneration, the largest urban regeneration project in Europe,

• Ireland’s national private security regulator

• the Ireland-Hong Kong Business Forum

• The Green Way, a public-private cleantech cluster, (now a partner in Sustainable Ireland).

Ronan is a long-time student of the Kennedy ‘phenomenon’, having personally experienced the impact of the Kennedy Presidency, JFK’s visit to Ireland in 1963, and the subsequent assassinations of John and Robert on the hopes and dreams they inspired for millions worldwide, not least in the land of their forefathers.