Colin Crowell is Vice President, Global Public Policy & Philanthropy for Twitter, Inc.
In this role, Colin oversees Twitter’s efforts to educate policymakers about Twitter and manages the company’s public policy agenda on a host of high tech issues in Washington, D.C. and internationally and also manages the company’s “@TwitterforGood” philanthropic initiatives globally.
Before joining Twitter, Colin served for over 20 years as a telecommunications and Internet staffer to
U.S. Senator Edward J. Markey (DMA).
Subsequent to working on Capitol Hill, Colin was Senior Counselor to the Federal Communications Commission Chairman, assisting in the development of the National Broadband Plan and serving as the Chairman’s strategic advisor on a wide range of policy and legal matters.
Prior to his government service, Colin was a Jesuit International Volunteer in Arequipa, Peru, where he
taught mathematics and English at a Jesuit high school and helped run a community soup kitchen.
Colin is a graduate of Boston College with a BA in Political Science and a minor in Computer Science.