Dr Martin O’Donoghue

Dr Martin O’Donoghue teaches modern British and Irish history at the University of Sheffield. In summer 2022, he will be a visiting scholar at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory in Frankfurt. His research examines the dynamics of political activism in modern Ireland, the development of party politics, Irish-British relations, Ireland and the Commonwealth, and the Irish revolution. His book, The Legacy of the Irish Parliamentary Party in Independent Ireland, 1922-1949 (Liverpool University Press), won the 2021 NUI Publication Prize in Irish History and was highly commended for the British Association of Irish Studies Book Prize. He was awarded his PhD in 2017 from the National University of Ireland Galway where he was an Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Scholar. He has subsequently lectured in history at the University of Limerick and Northumbria University and is a former recipient of the National Library of Ireland Research Studentship. He is a former Academic Director of the Parnell Summer School (2018-2019) and is a current committee member of the Irish Association of Professional Historians.

2022 Event Speakers