Performers from the Delta Centre, Carlow will perform a shortened version of ‘Oh What a Show’ which had a hugely successful run at the George Bernard Shaw Theatre, Carlow earlier this year.
The full production involves over 90 performers with an Intellectual Disability and 80 staff from Delta Centre.
The lively show contains numbers from a range of well-known musicals and productions such as Cats, Oh what a Circus, One more star in the sky, Oliver, and No Business like Showbusiness. The ethos behind the production is to demonstrate that people of differing abilities can participate in and enjoy every aspect of the world of theatre from acting, singing and dancing to prop construction and costume design. It’s a performance not to be missed.
Delta Centre based in Strawhill Industrial Estate in Carlow provides training, residential, respite, day and multi-sensory services to adults with an Intellectual Disability. From the age of 18 and according to their level of ability, trainees can avail of services that include rehabilitation, numeracy and literacy training, catering, horticulture, education or work experience.
Trainees attend the centre daily to develop new skills and build friendships and confidence. Employment opportunities are offered through a supported employment programme ensuring a sense of responsibility and identity for the trainees who are employed in several hotels, supermarkets and retail outlets in the locality.